
Disability Support for Apprentices

The University offers as standard a range of support for any student, such as:

  • Academic Skills Advice
  • Mental Health support
  • Counselling
  • Information, Advice and Guidance
  • Loan equipment

The University can provide apprentices with disabilities support and reasonable adjustments, which could include:

  • Support to explore assessments for Specific Learning Differences, including screening.
  • Learning support, which could include exam support, assistive technology and one-to-one support.
  • Providing information to the course team and placement about support needs and reasonable adjustments.

The Disabled Student Commission (DSC) has produced this helpful guide.

We encourage any offer holder to speak with a Disability Adviser as soon as possible. Advisers will work with you to identify support and reasonable adjustments for your learning.  

Please note that some services are only available once you are an active student e.g. screening and assessment for Specific Learning Difficulties and access to equipment or assistive software.   

To arrange an initial review meeting and to speak with an Adviser please email studentsupport@uos.ac.uk.

If you indicate that you will require additional support, then we will contact you to request evidence, such as:  

  • GP / consultant letter 

  • Specific Learning Difficulties Full Diagnostic Assessment report 

Information on screening or assessment for Learning Difficulties, such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia can be found at the Specific Learning Difficulties FAQ page.

A Disability and Wellbeing Adviser or Mental Health Adviser will carry out this assessment to identify the support you need which is not already available to you via reasonable adjustments or covered by the University’s accessible and inclusive teaching and learning practices.  

We will compile an Additional Learning Needs report alongside a reasonable adjustment agreement. The ALN may make recommendations relating to any additional equipment, 1:1 support etc. to support a claim for additional funding through the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).  

Please note, this funding cannot be used to deal with everyday difficulties that are not directly associated with your apprenticeship.

As Degree Apprenticeship students are also in employment, we recommend that you apply for the Access to Work fund, to identify adjustments you require in the workplace and equipment and software to support you in your professional role. For more information, visit